
Welcome to my writing café! I hope you enjoy the pictures, stories, articles, posts and information to access future books on this site. Sit back, relax and enjoy my musings about writing and life.


https://janetpierceswritingcafe.com/2022/01/09/395/ JOY


https://janetpierceswritingcafe.com/2021/02/11/facing-conflict-and-enduring-long-waits/Who knows what lies ahead: When your inner editor and characters speak.

A beacon of hope

What is in a title like Seasons? https://wp.me/paxBpN-4Y

What is your Escape Pod? https://wp.me/paxBpN-4N

Nature’s Renewal


One small point of love, sanity and common sense in a swiftly tilting world

Be like the Daffodils

Geosemiotics and Covid-19

My chapter proposal has been accepted for inclusion in a book now what?

The Waiting Game

Dealing with Hardship

A new domain, a new me

Writing Publications

What is your perspective of your life?

Do you wrestle with your role in life? 

Dealing with Hardship

Day After thoughts

Holiday Thoughts

Historical writing – first or third person

ESL Articles and more… 

2 thoughts on “Home

  1. What do you do when you feel discouraged with your writing? You love what you are writing but others don’t or don’t get it. I was gung ho after a recent writing conference but lately life has gotten in the way and I am beginning to doubt myself and my ability.
    Instead I decided to take a break and do some experimental painting. I decided I like some of what I painted but like my writing, I think I’m missing something.
    Prayers and suggestions are welcome.

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